

Be part of Bolivian history this January

If you are in La Paz, Bolivia on the 21 and 22 of January you could be part of Bolivian history. Tourist and people from around the world are arriving to Bolivia for the installation of the second term of President Evo Morales, to be undertaken on Tihuanaku (21) and La Paz (22). The demand for rooms and travel packages has increased dramatically according to the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Ivan Cahuaya; he reported on Friday that a survey by his office to various travel agencies found the increase of tourists to Tihuanaku and La Paz where 21 and 22 January will undertake the installation of the second term of President Evo Morales.

Cahuaya said for that reason, the flow of tourists in January has increase significantly and is something extraordinary, considering that January is traditionally considered as a low season.

"The visitor will come to Bolivia not only makes its way down to a single site, but has a program that allows you to visit other tourist sites, then what do we do anticipate that in January we will have a significant flow of foreign visitors and nationals in the department of La Paz "he said.

Now you know, so don’t miss out this opportunity and be part of a historic moment in the history of this beautiful country.

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