

Easter in Bolivia (Semana Santa en Bolivia)

Being Bolivia a deeply catholic country, Easter (Semana Sanata) is a major event across the nation, and it's consider high season for hotels and hostels around the country. Since most city dwellers use this opportunity to relax in small towns and touristy hot spots like Coroico and Copacabana near La Paz, Samaipata and the Missions near Santa Cruz or Uyuni Salt Flats in Potosi.

Easter starts on Wednesday (31st) in many cities and small towns with people visiting at least 7 churches on a small and very family oriented pilgrimage. Normally most people will take half day of on Thursday to start the long weekend, so most cities start to get deserted and there's little activity during the next days, only processions and other liturgics acts will disturb the peace and tranquility of those days.

Friday is a holiday, so all banks and official buildings will be closed that day, so it would be a good idea to have some cash on hand just in case. Selling alcohol and gambling are not allowed during Good Friday and most clubs will be closed during that day. Even though, this rule is not always followed.

Easter ends with Easter Sunday mass and large processions, and on Monday all goes back to normal.

We hope this information helps you plan your activities during those days and we wish you a great time while visiting Bolivia.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Almost hostels offer some sort of system for safely storing your valuables.

Hoteles En Cordoba