

Bolivian Roads will be Blocked starting on Monday

Bolivian Chamber of Transportation anounced it block roads for 48 hrs. La Paz, Mar 28 (ABI) .- The Bolivian Chamber of National and International Transport determined paralyse its activities next Monday for 48 hrs. blocking routes on the border with Chile, Argentina and Peru, as well as other strategic points, informed its chairman Enrique Martinez.
The leader mentioned that his industry will begin road blocking on Monday if they don't get positive response from the Government regarding the suspension of the decree banning the export of oil. Martinez also indicated that the measure will masificando every eight hours if it is no solution to the conflict by the executive branch. He said border points that will be blocked are the exits to Chile, Peru and Argentina. The Bolivian Chamber of National and International Transport is made up of 560 companies. Fas / ABI Pta

Semana Santa (Easter)

This is one of the most important celebrations in Bolivia. The celebration is deep into the catholic roots of the country includes processions and parades. Long holyday, it is used for many Bolivians as a chance for a short vacation; therefore most hotels are completely booked during this days. The favorite among tourist during this time are: Coroico, Chulumani in La Paz, Samaipata, and the Pantanal in Santa Cruz.

April or May (Movable according with the Catholic Calendar)
This year fell on March 20th to 23rd.
Semana Santa (Easter)

Tourist Visa Requirements for U.S. Citizens

Below please find link to a Warden Message from the U.S. Embassy in La Paz, Bolivia. Please share this warden message with any U.S. citizens in Bolivia with whom you have contact. We hope this information is useful to you. If we may provide further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at (591-2) 216-8297.

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Bolivia Travel Guide